Call for media projects in development - Project Inkubator 2021
The call for projects is now closed
Do you have an audio-visual idea that you would like to develop into a full written proposal? Makila, a Montréal-based digital media co-op, is opening a call for media creators to submit their projects to participate in a ten-month incubator program - which will include a one-to-one mentorship and a pitch & networking session. Two Inkubator groups will be available: one for emerging creators and one for mid-career creators.
*Extended* deadline: Tuesday December 15, 2020, at midnight. Answers around January 10th.
The Program in a nutshell
- Two Inkubator groups of four participants each will meet once a month
- Each group can have documentary and fiction projects together
- Each participant will develop a project from the idea to a full written proposal including a one-pager, a long synopsis or documentary treatment (min 5 pages), a character or theme description, a director’s intention note, and a target audience identification.
- The projects participating in the final Pitch & Networking session will also create visual material to support their proposal.
- Each group has a leader who coordinates the monthly sessions, the delivery of homework and the private mentorship
- In these meetings participants discuss their projects, give each other feedback and set monthly objectives
- Each participant will have a dedicated mentor (an established professional in the field)
- At the end of the incubation period, finished projects will receive a pitch training, in order to attend our final networking event with producers, experts and colleagues onsite and online.
- At least one project will be selected by vote to take part in a second mentorship by Makila to create a demo or trailer and be supported to seek production funding (ex. making a budget, calendar, approaching producers, distributors, funds etc).
- The Inkubator will run from January to December 2021, with a two-month pause during the summer.
Montreal, QC, Canada
- Participants should reside in the greater Montreal area (although due to the current pandemic, the winter & early spring meetings will happen online)
- Be an emerging or mid-career* media creator.
- The call is open to members and non-members of Makila.**
- All formats, short, medium, long, episodic, narrative, thematic.
- Open to documentary, fiction and experimental.
- Projects can be submitted and developed in either English or French (participants need to be fluent in one of the language and have a basic understanding of the other language in order to provide feedback to their peers)
A diversified peer committee will select 4 to 8 participants. The Inkubator fee for those who are selected to attend is 25$.
*mid-career defined by having created 2 or more projects (school projects not included)
** selected non-member participants will have to become members (100 $ refundable if the candidate wishes to leave the coop after completing the Inkubator program)
Open to everyone (Makila members and non-members)
Selection criteria
- What sort of impact could the project have in the world today?
- Is the creator bringing something unique to the story or to the subject?
- Does it have a distinct audiovisual approach?
- Can Makila and its resources make a significant contribution to the project?
- Conforming a diverse group of people, perspectives and experience is also important to us.
- Documentary, fiction or experimental. Short, medium, long, episodic, narrative, thematic.