Media Inkubator - 2021
We are proud to announce the selected projects for our inkubator 2021!
Following a call for projects open to members and non-members alike, nine emerging and mid-career creators have been selected. The new version of our project development laboratory will take place over a six-month period, includes hours of personalized mentoring, and is sealed by a pitching and networking event à la Cuban hat with partners and professionals in the field.
For his first feature-length fiction film, Jonathan Cortés proposes a fake documentary on the impact of social media and the representation of violence. Mata-Ratas follows a group of young Colombians who decide to become vigilantes by responding to crime with crime.
Badiallo Coulibaly is developing La case de ma grand-mère, a documentary on the rites that mark the lives of Malian women. "After undergoing these rituals and fleeing two marriages, I, a divorced, unstable and confused woman, turn to my society in search of answers."
In her short film script The Perfect Son, Vanessa Pessoa dismantles taboos by reversing social codes. In a "homonormative" world, a young man has to hide his heterosexuality in order not to disappoint those close to him.
After several years of filming reality, Giulia Frati tackles her first feature-length fiction film. Up and Comers is at once funny, critical and resolutely feminist. A woman in her early forties dives into conducting an orchestra for retired people and defies her ovaries' expiration date.
Producer and director Éric Lafalaise explores the scars of the earthquake that shook Haiti on September 12, 2010 to create a polyphonic web series about belonging and cultural mix. Metrópolis is also an opportunity to recall the precious contribution of the Haitian community in Montreal.
Naomie Décarie-Daigneault is developing a documentary essay on the unconscious or invisible structures at work in our lives. Intimate in its subject matter and experimental in its form, Intérieurs is an incursion into the psyche of many women, in order to make audible the different voices within us.
At the crossroads of video-dance and documentary essay, Le Fil du temps is an ode to transmission. Two cultures of braiders are brought together in a dialogue between the south (Brazil) and the north (Akwesasne, a Mohawk community across Quebec, Ontario and the USA). Focusing on the gestures involved in the practice for generations, this hybrid piece by Isabela Cardoso reveals the intimate relationship of the craftswomen with nature.
Thanks to a demART grant from the Conseil des arts de Montréal, Tiago Gerbasi is developing his short fiction film Avant l'aurore. After the hospitalization of his grandfather, a teenager must make his way to adulthood by navigating between his fears and his grandfather's advice.
Stefan Verna is an experienced filmmaker who is developing the feature-length fiction film On Thin Ice. AJ, a Black hockey player needs his father's signature to accept a scholarship from an Ivy League university. His father, a former hockey player, refuses to help him for fear that his son will be discriminated against like he once was.
We look forward to inviting you to our Pitch & Networking Evening this fall, to discover these promising projects!
Montreal, QC, Canada
Thank you to our partners!